Branding and Identity

Branding & Identity is more than just a logo or a tagline. It’s the complete package that represents your business’s personality, values, and mission. It’s professional branding that says, ‘we know what we’re doing’.

At Swift Cheshire, we craft brands that not only look great but stick in people’s minds like that catchy song you can’t get out of your head… You know the one.

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But, why care about Branding & Identity?

A strong brand identity…

  • Differentiates you from competitors and helps you stand out in a crowded market.
  • Creates a connection that keeps customers coming back.
  • Conveys reliability and builds trust.
  • Attracts new customers and makes it easier to boost revenue.

Our proven process.

1 The Getting-to-Know-You Phase

Through chats and research, we get to know your business inside out—what makes you tick and what makes your customers click.

2. Strategy

Next up, your branding strategy. We help you define your brand’s voice, values, and how you’ll position yourself in the market.

3. Design Time

Our talented designers create logo options, colour palettes, fonts, and visuals. It’s all about crafting a look that’s uniquely you.

4. Rolling it Out

Consistency is key. We splash your new identity everywhere—your website, social media, business cards, even your office coffee mugs (surely we can think of something better than that!)

5. Perfecting Your Branding & Identity

Brands evolve, and so do we. We keep an eye on your brand’s performance and tweak things to keep you fresh, relevant, and ahead of competitors.

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read about some of our Branding & Identity success stories below!​

take a look here image with chicken jalfrezi in background

Express Indian Case Study

Express Indian How We Spiced Up Express Indian’s Website The Challenge: Express Indian, a Chester-based family business delivering mouth-watering, authentically cooked (then

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ready to shake things up?

Let’s to us how it suits you. We’re available on the phone or drop us an email today.