Jumping Straight In – A Copywriter’s Perspective on Swift Cheshire’s 10 Minute Briefs
By Samantha Tidd

My first day at Swift Cheshire was like jumping straight into a creative pool of marketing. Sometimes starting a new role, especially one that deals with such a variety of clients like Swift Cheshire does, can feel daunting. As a copywriter, there is a level of expectation to be perfect, which can be especially hard when learning new clients.
The team were quick to make me feel welcome, everyone’s unique personalities shining through. Some people need to be given space to be independent, some need to be coddled, I thrived with their approach of giving me my space to bring a touch of Sam with full-support every step of the way, sort of like a parent waiting in the wings after the stabilisers first come off.
I’m usually one for metaphors and similes, but with Swift it’s simple – they are a professional marketing agency fronted by a group of young creatives that care a lot about what they do. There is so much passion and commitment in what they do, from graphic design and website creation to copywriting and social media. It’s the reason I wanted to join the team, and I am excited to be a part of their current evolutionary journey.
The White Lion in Weston
The White Lion was my introductory client, sitting in on a meeting to discuss their current project only an hour into my first day.
Sitting on the outskirts of Crewe, The White Lion in Weston is described as “the jewel in Cheshire’s crown”. Built in 1652, this family and dog-friendly pub transformed from a farmhouse and inn to the site that stands today thanks to owner and businessman Carl Boulton. The White Lion is home to the 1652 bar, restaurant, and hotel – with 17 ensuite rooms.
The reason Swift work so well together is because they are constantly regrouping to brainstorm new ideas, whether that be for potential businesses, or completely fictitious companies. Thus, the ‘10 Minute Brief’ was born.
The concept? James Parker-Aiken, the Head of Creative and Photography for Swift, described it as being “an opportunity to showcase the strengths of the team and how they can pull together collateral presenting our diverse expertise across industries.”
He described it as a way for the team to continue working together effectively and efficiently. I saw it as a great chance to encourage people to think outside of the box, to stand out in an industry that is competitive and always finding ways to have that edge.
The brief gives the team an opportunity to create a quick-fire marketing strategy for a fictional or real-life business, working together to form new ideas for logos, social media content, website graphics, and more.
In the case of The White Lion, the ‘10 minute brief’ was used to get the team’s heads together on the launch of their new menu. The ideas for the menu launch were planned and implemented alongside existing client work, which provided a good challenge for the team. Working across multiple projects inspired them to then expand their way of thinking for other clients and creates a healthy cycle of professional growth.
Overseeing the collaborative effort of the team in person was a real insight into why Swift is so successful at what they do. Each person brings something unique to the table and the creativity that bounces between them is inspiring. Take Matt King for example, the new social media manager. His confidence within the role led to my complete shock at his recent arrival to the company, having only just finished his first month on the job. Swift’s nature is a nurturing one, focused on not only the growth of their clients but the growth of each other.

I spoke with Carl Boulton about the new menu for The White Lion during the end of my first week, when finalisations were being made for the menu launch. “This is a really exciting time, three years in the making and I feel like we have finally finessed the menu and achieved our target for becoming a go-to gastro pub for the whole of Cheshire and the surrounding areas.
“I am really impressed with the quick-thinking and creativity that Swift Cheshire has brought to us to maximise this new chapter for The White Lion. I look forward to the success that this will bring for both parties.”